Day 1 of 365 - The Road to General Conference 2019

The next 365 days will be some of the most significant in the history of The United Methodist Church (UMC) in terms of how we are in ministry with and for LGBTQ people. In one year's time, on February 23, 2019, The UMC will start the called General Conference. This General Conference will be voting on a proposal from the Council of Bishops. This proposal and any resolutions that will come with it, have been worked on diligently and with much prayer and conversation by the Commission on a Way Forward who started meeting in 2017.

So far, much of the work has been done by a relatively small group of people. But it is not all their work to do. It is our work too. As United Methodists we need to be actively engaged in this journey towards February 2019. We have been encouraged by the Council of Bishops to pray, and pray we have, and pray we must continue to do. And there is yet so much more that we can do.

Over these next 365 days my plan is to provide a small daily action or reflection for each day that will encourage us to to actively engage in this journey together. These daily posts will be short 😊 , they'll often point you to other resources available. Sometimes they will simply suggest some ideas or thoughts to ponder.

My prayer and hope is that we can journey together towards a more inclusive UMC, one that welcomes, affirms and celebrates people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Will you join me on this journey?

Action One: share this post on your Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram page. Encourage others to join this journey too. Our voices matter. YOUR voice matters. #BeTheWayForward #GC2019 #OurChurchOurVoice


Day 2 of 365 - getting ready for church tomorrow - find your rainbow pin


The Wesleyan Covenant Association simulcast - initial thoughts